When you are accused, you need a really good lawyer. Recently someone called me for a lawyer recommendation. I did not have anyone to recommend in their area. I decided to help this particular family try to find a lawyer.
After reading all I could find, I called a number that was answered by what I believe was an answering service. When I said there was an emergency that someone had just been arrested, the person answering the phone said I had to speak with a “case manager.” I could not speak with a lawyer. This case manager was a non-lawyer making legal decisions when what was needed was a lawyer.
I eventually found a very good lawyer in the area but often wonder how much money would have been taken from this terrified family by these anonymous people. It was also shocking to me to hear all the information this non-lawyer wanted from this family. I, of course, refused to supply the information. However, I discovered this non-lawyer would make a referral to an unknown lawyer and I bet, receive a healthy kickback or referral fee. Just a hunch.