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Introducing our law firm

Kim Hart Trial Support Services 
Allegations of Child Abuse

Trial consulting and support services for attorneys representing persons suspected or accused of allegations of child abuse, sexual abuse of children, and other charges of a similar nature.

When you or someone you care for is accused or charged with allegations of child abuse, or any sex crime, these allegations can be devastating.

While each case is unique, new developments in forensic and basic science can allow a person who is accused to prove their innocence.

Initial Consultation Information

If you are an attorney, or you have been accused of child abuse, please call Ms. Hart at 419-868-6016 or head to the contact page.

PLEASE NOTE: Ms. Hart is not an attorney and does not give legal advice. All work product is submitted directly to the attorney for the accused.

Kim Hart has over 25 years of experience providing consulting and support services to defense teams during the investigative, pre-trial, trial, and appeals stages of child abuse and sex crime cases.  Many of these child abuse and sex crime cases have been high-profile, and most cases resulted in successful outcomes for the clients.

Ms. Hart works with your lawyer to plan and develop specialized defense strategies for those needing help defending their innocence including, but not limited to, allegations of:

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Physical Abuse

  • Shaken Baby

  • Child Neglect

  • Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy

  • Rape

Need a competent lawyer for your defense, or is your current lawyer providing you an ineffective defense? 

Ms. Hart knows competent lawyers with experience in defending these cases in every state in the United States, and several in Canada.

Ms. Hart’s team has also been very successful with appellate work for those wrongfully convicted of child abuse.  Furthermore, Ms. Hart has also worked on civil litigation cases relevant to child abuse and sex crime cases.  In fact, Ms. Hart has been an international advocate for the falsely accused and has appeared on over 100 talk and radio shows.

Ms. Hart also maintains continuing communication with leading professionals and expert witnesses. These professionals are located throughout the world, and allow Ms. Hart to stay abreast of the most current developments in medicine, science, and psychology in relation to defending these types of cases.  This knowledge allows Ms. Hart to help lawyers provide an effective defense for their clients.  In fact, Ms. Hart’s work has recently led to several pretrial dismissals of serious child abuse allegations.




Initial consultations can be arranged at Ms. Hart’s office or at your location. Call to discuss which venue would be most appropriate for your circumstance.


Trial & Pretrial

After an initial review of documents, we can provide a variety of experts highly experienced in the defense of false child abuse criminal and civil cases. 


Physical Abuse

From charges of child abuse, battery, neglect, or medical/educational neglect, I have over 25 years of experience consulting with trial attorneys in the nuances of these charges. 


Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is an extremely complicated issue in most jurisdictions, and without the proper trial support team, your defense can be over before it even starts.


Wrongful Convictions

If you feel that either you or a family member was on the receiving end of wrongful verdict, there are many options. We have dealt with competent appellate attorneys in virtually every state.

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